Emotional Aromatherapy

by Marife Olivares
Essential New Life | doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy

I want to share today another great tool to balance our emotions: doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System. ⁣

Because of the complexities of the human brain, certain aromas can elicit emotions by triggering memories and stimulating emotional responses. Our reactions to aromas are based on environmental indicators, past experiences, personal preference, and even our unique genetic makeup. ⁣

doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System has six essential oil blends specially created to help you balance your emotions. It is simple! Just identify the emotion you might be feeling on the emotional aromatherapy wheel and select the corresponding essential oil blend that is right for you. You may find that two o more blends are appropriate to balance your varied emotions at any given moment. ⁣

Here are some examples on how I use them: ⁣

✧ I diffuse and apply topically peace during the day to relax my family, specially my kids. ⁣

✧ I diffuse and apply topically Motivate when working to keep me inspired.⁣

✧ I apply Forgive over my heart when feelings of anger or negativity come to my mind.⁣

Do you want to know more about each of these amazing emotional oil blends? I will be posting a detailed explanation for each in future posts! ⁣

Are you ready to try these emotional blends? Send me a message and I will love to help you! ⁣

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